Hi, I'm Jessica!
I'm a graduate student at the University of Missouri.

Welcome to My LTD Portfolio!

This website highlights my experience as a graduate student of the Learning Technologies and Design (LTD) program and User Experience and Usability (UXU) graduate certificate at the University of Missouri. This site aims to highlight my work that best exemplifies the LTD program and UXU certificate competencies.

My Graduate Learning Experience

The LTD program and UXU certificate provided opportunities to improve my design and development skills, provide feedback to and collaborate with my peers, immerse in real-life learning scenarios, and showcase my studies of interest. It allowed me to improve my evaluation and analysis skills and showed me how great design comes from data collection, pilot testing, and iteration.

I chose the work I’m most proud of as I’ve worked toward the program and certificate competencies. This site should help you gain a better understanding of my skills.